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Thunder Tillman
Night School Of Universal Wisdom
These two cosmic jokers possess a vibrant and fearless sense of exploration that knows no boundaries, as if their dreams translate directly into song and their bodies exist merely to channel music they’ve tapped into from another world, one where influences are uncharted and any instrument imaginable is available at their fingertips. Their grasp of all things analogue begins with guitar laying the slightly imperfect foundation for four harmonious narratives, a journey that begins with a fast paced gallop across vast landscapes in search of the Incan god of thunder, Catequil, and gently concludes with us lying horizontally to absorb sporadic beams of healing light. The discourse throughout "Night School Of Universal Wisdom" is as charming as it is exquisite, orienting the listener with a bouquet of warm tones whilst layering plies of musical dialogue so subtle they require repeated study. Thunder Tillman manage to weave the past into future without diverting to pastiche, successfully merging their characterized production with melodic mastery and a sense of humor.
The Ridge To Catequil
Night School Of Universal Wisdom