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Redscale 05
Since 2012, Lithuanian dub techno adventurer grad_u has concentrated his energies on delivering a series of warm, sparse and intoxicating 12" singles on his own Redscale label. This fifth instalment in the series delivers more becalmed, almost horizontal forays into shuffling, hypnotic deepness. "EV-1" kicks things off, layering subtle shakers and gentle chords over a spaced-out dub techno pulse. grad_u gets a little more upbeat - by his stoned standards, at least - on the undulating "EV 0", while standout "EV 1" successfully adds a little intergalactic sheen to his heavily filtered, liquid techno formula. Like the rest of the series, this should be essential listening for dub techno enthusiasts.
EV -1
EV 0
EV 1