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Lengua Universale
"Lengua Universale" is an attempt to transcribe the olfactory experience of walking down the busy, dark and narrow streets of Taksim in the night hours. A complex amalgam of dense, steamy aromas of soups and fresh mussels, of the rain on a hot summer evening, of the first logs of wood that have been thrown in the neighborhood's fireplaces. The construction of the entire EP contrasts with Houschyar's usual workflow. Instead of a a compressed expression extending over a small period of time, this selection of songs has been recorded over the span of 2 years (2018-2020). While all pieces have been imagined, composed and recorded in the studio in Houschyars living room in Tarlabasi, Istanbul, they reflect different moments and chapters, evoking situations from heated discussions on the dancefloor to lovesick daydreams on rainy Sunday afternoons.
Flug Ins Tal
Universal Language
Smell Of A Wet Towel
Umrumda Degil
Zeit der Hoffnung