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7FO - 竜のぬけがら Ryu no Nukegara | EM Records (EM1178LP) - main
7FO - 竜のぬけがら Ryu no Nukegara | EM Records (EM1178LP) - 1


竜のぬけがら Ryu no Nukegara

EM Records (EM1178LP)

1x Vinyl LP Album Repress

Release date: Feb 21, 2025, Japan

7FO: pronounced “nana f o” in English, “nana” being seven. Ryu no Nukegara: “dragon’s husk”. These are the only difficulties you’ll encounter here. This is warm, friendly, very relaxed music, “understandable” and yet intriguing, sure to appeal to fans of electronic ambient, dub and chill-out music, as well as artists like Haruomi Hosono, Captain Ganja, La Monte Young, Equiknoxx and Tapes. The Osaka-based 7FO combines groovily sparse electronic percussion with similarly sparse dub-feel synth bass, as well as pentatonic synth and steel pan melodies, the latter with an intriguing Okinawa/Sunda/Malay feel. Sparkling dub-influenced processing and thoughtful mixing gives us a music which is trans-oceanic, warm, and enveloping.

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竜のぬけがら Ryu no Nukegara